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Queensberry’s wedding of the week features the marriage of Nidhi and Nikhil , with photography by Jasmin and Matt Photography. We spoke with Jasmin and Matt , who shared a bit about the days below. “ Nidhi and Nikhil's three - d ay wedding celebration took place April 2019 at El Dorado Royale and Generations Riviera Maya resorts in the Riviera Maya, Mexico. It was an incredible experience, one that we'll never forget.” “The festivities kicked off with 200+ guests greeted at the Mehndi welcome party, complete with To View More >>

We’re very excited to announce that our online Client Galleries in Workspace have had a face lift, and boy do they look good! We’ve released four new gallery styles, including a video option. Each can be further personalised to suit your taste and style by very easily changing fonts and other elements. Please do check them out and let us know what you think.Client Gallery Option 1: Simplicity Simplicity is an upgrade of our current "Standard" gallery style. We've worked to refine the font selections and sizes to give this gallery a more modern feel. To View More >>

Hi, it's Stephen here. For a few weeks now we’ve been in deep discussions about how to navigate the current COVID crisis and, more importantly, support the industry we love so much. So it seems a little ironic that, as part of those discussions, today we’re releasing a book called “Love’s Not Enough”. Ironic because we do love our industry, we believe love drives our industry, and yet … love's not enough. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Anyone who’s got close to Queensberry and our family knows that, while we love what we To View More >>
The four-week New Zealand COVID-19 shut-down starts 26 March. And since announcing that Queensberry's production will be on hold for the duration we’ve had lots of people asking whether Print Shop will be available. It's obviously unfortunate timing, but the short answer is yes. However, order deliveries will be delayed. Print Shop functionality will remain active in Workspace, and we encourage you to continue setting up — not just Print Shop but also, if you haven't done so yet, your standard Image Gallery shopping carts. The shut-down of person-to-person To View More >>

We're back! The whole QBY team is back on deck now, bright-eyed and ready for business! Thanks to all those who’ve already got orders in, but if you’re one of those asking for a few more days to grab our special sample offer, this is to let you know we’ve extended the deadline by seven days. Don’t miss out! All offers now end Monday 27th Jan 2020. Offer 1. 40% OFF SAMPLE BOOKS, BOXES AND ALBUMS Quote NEWYEAR2020 when ordering. Regular clients get Tier Discount off the top. Our normal conditions apply. ORDER NOW ? Offer 2. 25% OFF COVER SWATCHES Quote code To View More >>
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